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Transition Meeting 2.0

Early Summer

Review GTSBE Process Book paired with transition documents. Set expectations that all detailed logistics planning will be conducted during the Summer.


Vision Board Party


A session where the board reflects on their goals for the term and set smaller goals for each month of the summer. Each board represents the parts of the work that will be completed that month. Boards are built before meetings and shared during the meeting. Vision boards show images of outcomes of the work and how it relates to the president's vision, to allow each eboard member to be more intentional about planning for outcomes, not just planning events and programs.

Show & Tell Props Points


A redesigned props point system that awards points publically within each zone for completing set goals by pre-set summer deadlines. More points would be awarded goals that are showed & told on time during the summer. A project management tool like Trello would be utilized.

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Advisory Board of Recruitment


President recruits a group of Alumni, GT Admin, and Corporate sponsors to fill specific advisor roles and sends each a formal invitation letter.

Eyes Open Trello Session


A session where the board aligns on what is coming up and gives updates on what is on their to-do, doing, and done lists, using the Trello tool. 

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Cross-Pollination Mural Session


Collaboration session between the zone on upcoming events, using Mural(or another interactive tool ) for remote collaboration to get diverse contributions to the final plan.

Partner Planning Session


Design sessions with Partners to co-create corporate events with the sponsors. Sessions would include design thinking methods to support corporate sponsors to stay engaged.

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Social Media Challenge Series


Challenge members to do fun challenges on social media in exchange for scholarships. Challenges will have an interactive component to encourage members to connect with each other.

Pre-Populated Event Reports


Partially pre-populated event summary forms that have space for attendee names, event goal recap, all the information that needs to fill into an event recap for monthly reporting

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GTSBE Process Book


Exhaustive timeline of all GTSBE events/efforts from past years. Tells the story of each event for sponsorship purposes. It also tells details of planning and execution.

Committee Recruitment


Board members recruit a group of committee members and send each an invitation letter that has defined expectations.

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Ways of Working Contract

Fall & Spring

A session where the eboard reviews and signs the Ways of Working Contract to set program management expectations within the zone by stating appropriate response time, expected zone meeting cadence, attendance expectation. Zone sets this contract internally.

Virtual Coffee Chat

Fall & Spring

Resume review, through getting to know you chats, day in the life calls.


Mix & Mingle

Fall & Spring

Opportunity for the board members to be paired with a member to build a relationship. Objective to find out what the goals of the members are, and gets members plugged into communities within GTSBE.

Membership Pulse Check

Fall & Spring

Mentimeter poll to gage membership expectations. These weekly polls would be designed during the summer and then used to collect attendance information & member feedback during the year.


Board Dinner Parties

Fall & Spring

Saturday night dinners with eboard. These can be at the home of a board member or at a restaurant. Food would be paid for by GTSBE to prioritize the importance of making time to bond with the board members.


End of Year Review


Eboard closes out the year by each creating summary presentations detailing how effectively their summer goals were executed.

© 2023 by Designtalk. Created by service designers Annie & Titilayo  

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