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Partner Planning Session

Design Principle

Unblock the work

Painpoints Addressed

Limited value in programing

Front Stage Action

Eboard members facilitate virtual collaborative sessions to engage their partners in ideation for the year's events and programs.

Back Stage Action

Zone members set up the virtual co-creating sessions.


Monthly in Summer

Artboard – 3.png


Eboard Meetings Zone Meetings


Collaboration session between the zone on upcoming events, using Mural, or another interactive whiteboard tool, for remote collaboration to get diverse contributions to the final plan. Zone members start executing the tactile details of planning high fidelity events and programs for the school year. The zone supports this planning by collaborating with remote tools like Mural.

Supporting Process

Zone builds on what was learned from the internal collaboration sessions to create sessions for community partners.


Eboard will collaborate with corporate sponsors on program content in advance of the school year which will result in high-quality programming for the members.

© 2023 by Designtalk. Created by service designers Annie & Titilayo  

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